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Tarot in the Subconscious Mind Part 1
Tarot in the Subconscious Mind Part 1

Last Updated: August 4, 2021 Introduction Most people perceive tarot as a means of telling the future.  But, what they fail to realize is why it can be used to reveal one’s truth.   The tarot can be used as a…

Last Updated: August 4, 2021


Most people perceive tarot as a means of telling the future.  But, what they fail to realize is why it can be used to reveal one’s truth.   The tarot can be used as a means by which your Soul can reveal vital information to your personality.

We all work hard, pay our bills, and raise our children.  We tend to keep our noses to the grindstone and do not ask to much of life.  We don’t want to ask questions, because questioning takes energy.  You have to think about it, and give sufficient time and energy to understanding the dynamics of the problem to formulate the best answer.

If we are busy, we can ask family or friends for their advice on a topic.  When we have time we can Google it, ask Quora or Reddit, Tweet it, or use other social media platforms to find the answers.  However, the quickest and most correct answer to any problem you might have will not come from any internet source, or family, and friends.  It will come from your higher self, your Soul.

What does the Tarot have to do with your Soul, or higher self?  It has more to do than you can ever image. You must open your mind to Universal Truth.


What is Universal Truth?

Tarot falls into the category of Universal truth. A truth is considered to be universal if it is logically valid beyond all times and places.  Thus, it transcends the state of the physical universe as universal order.  The events symbolized in the Tarot occur in all places, at all times, anywhere and everywhere in the known world.

The Tarot is a set of images that represent an ancient language of the body, mind, and soul, that was imprinted over billions of years of evolution.  Tarot is a symbolic language.

Psionic Circles uses Tarot and other symbolic languages to interpret your energy pattern, the structures, and drivers to explain life dynamics using an intelligent system to analyse, measure, and control events in our lives.

How do you understand this ancient language?  The Tarot language is a true language of your body, mind, soul, and spirit.   The following articles outline how your higher self and Soul communicates to you through events and experiences, and how to undetstand the relevance, clarify the truth, and how if offer suggestions for the right actions.

In this article we will go through the first four cards of the Major Arcana, leaving other other cards for the subsequent articles.

The Language of Tarot

If you have ever received a letter from an acquaintance that you had met while on holiday who lives overseas, and they spoke a completely different language than you how would you bridge the cap between English and their language, let’s say it was Italian.  You would need to know the letters of the alphabet and know the words.

Perhaps, you could use your Google Translator on your mobile phone, plug in the sentences and “Ecco”, there you have it.  You could then understand the communicate going towards you.  You would reverse the process in order to communicate back to your friend.  You would write out in English what you wanted to say, and of course Google  would relay the information back to your friend.  The same is true when it comes to communicate to your higher self or Soul.  You need a translator to communicate your thoughts and problems to your Soul for the perfect answer to your problem.

The Tarot is like the Italian language.  And in actuality, Italy was the origin of the Tarot Deck.  You can click here to discover the history of the Tarot.  But, for our purposes, you have to learn the symbols and the symbolic meanings of the cards.  It isn’t very difficult, but it does require some time.  I will go through with your very quickly to give you an overview, proving its simplicity.  And then I will show you how to use the deck to get the answers to some of your life’s most pressing questions from the source that has co-authored with you the events of your life, your Soul.

Now, I will define the structure of the deck, and then I will outline a basic symbiology of the cards.   In this way you will be communicating much like an adolescent teenager, with somewhat diffused and uncertain understanding of life to your Soul.  But soon, your communications will be quite fluid and entirely comprehensible at a very high level. So, let’s begin.


The Tarot Sections

The Tarot deck is broken into three primary sections.  There are the Major Arcana, the Minor Arcana, and the Court Cards.  The Major Arcana Represents the “What happens Symbols”, like Relationship, Journey, Controlling Influences, and many others that I will briefly outline in a moment.  The Minor Arcana are cards that are broken into four actions of life: stability,  nourish, action, and conception.  They are are further broken into 10 levels or stages of development.  As example, stability’s first level is the source and beginning of stability, while the ten of stability is considered is where you would experience completion.   The Court cards represent people in your life, or yourself, that are the catalyst of a particular action, the actions of the four spoken of above.

 Arcana Defined


noun plural of arcanum

  1. secrets or mysteries

derived from arcane = understood by few; mysterious or secret.

mid 16th century: from Latin arcanus, from arcere ‘to shut up’, from arca ‘chest’.


So, judging from the dictionary definition the major arcana is plural for mysteries that are contained in the cards.  The Tarot is a key to understanding the mysteries of life, and is a Universal Truth, as we mentioned earlier.  There are 22 cards that represent major events in one’s life.  It is symbolic of a person obtaining the age of majority, and then proceeding through life through cycles of self discovery, trial, error, plain and pleasure.

In many ways it is like the major plot points of a novel. You are the protagonist of your life and you go through a number of life experiences that are the same as many people who are either at your physical age, or are  at the same emotional age.  An emotional age gauge is found in the article, The Grades of Humanity.

But, let us get started with our understanding of the subconscious language of the Tarot.

In the Beginning, there was a Fool

We start with the 0 card, which is represented by the Fool.  On the tarot cards, there are two major areas of importance.  One is the number on the top of the card, for the Major Arcana, and the other is the actual symbol of the picture.  One is for your creative mind ( the image) and the other is for your analytical mind (the number).  They are both important pieces of understanding, but, if you are left or right brain inclined you may lean towards one of the other and your soul will use both to communicate information to you.    Back to the deck.

You and your soul has left the comfort of your home, and decided to journey off to do “something”.  It can be as innocent as going for a drive to the supermarket, to starting a major project.  I will not describe all of the symbols on a basic deck, and speaking of decks I suggest the Rider Waite Deck, or other traditional deck with 78 cards.  There are many other symbolic decks, that also speak with your soul, using different themes, but, for our purposes we want the traditional symbolism and number systems.  My first deck was a very colorful deck, however, the Minor Arcana lacked any symbolism  other than the number of elements.  It meant that I had to memorize the meanings with less symbolism.  Thank goodness for a great memory.

The next card is the 1 card and the picture is a Magician.  The Fool became a magician with some experience, and he has used his/her intuition and will power to change circumstances so that the fates will play better in her/his hand.  It teaches you that you are to use the resources around you and within you in order to accomplish the next step.  With the Magician, you can experience points and gain or fail, but, the idea is that you will gain more than you will lose.

Card 2 is the High Priestess.  The High Priestess represents the female aspect of the Magician.  Where the Magicians uses the force of his or her will and drives the elements to do his bidding and work, the High Priestess uses subtler energies to accomplish her ends.  She is mysterious, yielding but unyielding.  You don’t know what is in her mind, but, you always know what is in her heart as she leads one through associations, and friendships.  Her message is that it is not what you think and there is more than meets the eyes.  Keep looking.

Card 3 is the Empress.  And after the mysteriousness of the High Priestess you have the energy of feminine control.  The Empress is responsible for maintaining control as second in chief to the Emperor, and must sometimes take complete control.  Therefore, she addresses the needs and desires of her subjects and balances it with available resources.  She tends to champion for the underdog, but that sometimes means removing from whom she deems has too much to redistributed to those less fortunate.

I will go through the next four cards tomorrow.  So, until then, muse on your soul.  Communicate with it as much as possible.  He/She or it should always be your best friend.


Thank you very much for reading.

Notes to keep you busy until then!

l  You have learnt the cards and their meanings and you know how to lay a tarot spread but how do you actually give a tarot card reading for someone else? These tips and rules should help you conduct your first tarot reading!

1. Discuss beforehand with the client what you both expect to achieve from the reading. For you, this means explaining how the tarot works and what the cards will and will not predict.

  • You need to express to your client that the tarot will predict what is most likely to happen in the future and why these events will happen. Tarot will also provide the best course of action to either encourage or discourage these future events.
  • You will need to explain that a reading may not provide the client with the answers they are specifically searching for, but it will give them guidance in an area of their life that they need at that time.
  • You need to advise them that the cards may not answer a question at all! The client is simply not to know the future at that time.
  • You will also need to make your client aware that both negative as well as positive information may be communicated through the and they have to be comfortable with that before proceeding with the reading.

2. When it comes to the reading, decide what tarot spread you will use. Will it be a Celtic cross or something more specific to the interpretation of what your client is asking? Ask your client to shuffle the deck and focus on the issues they would like answering whilst shuffling. Ask them to then cut the cards into three stacks and to recombine them into one deck in whatever order they feel is natural.

3. Take the deck face down and hold them in the palm of your hands. Take this time to communicate inside yourself to your higher consciousness, higher self or spirit guide (whatever you believe in,) and ask that the communications you receive are clear, accurately interpreted and give the client a positive and constructive reading.

4. Deal the cards from the top in order and once your spread is completed, leave the rest of the cards to one side. You may wish to turn the cards up one at a time as you interpret them or you may wish to deal them face up to begin with. I tend to do the latter as it gives you a build up of general energy and initial impressions and interpretations.

5. Depending on whether you interpret the reverse meanings of the cards, you will want to turn the cards over left to right rather than flipping. This is to ensure the cards are in their original positions. Whatever way you interpret the cards, you should position them in accordance with you reading, not the client observing.

6. When reading, you can begin with how the cards generally feel for you (for example, are they ruled by a particular suit?) Or you can begin by interpreting each card individually. (Are there any thoughts or feelings that instantly pop out at you? Does one card seem to hold more importance than any of the others?) If neither of these options feel correct, begin interpretation with the initial card and work your way through the spread. When interpreting:

  • Consider each card separately with your interpretation and then consider how that card is affected by its surrounding cards in the spread.
  • Consider the nature of the question asked by the client.

7. During the reading, give the client the opportunity to discuss and possibly interpret the cards with you. Remember that tarot reading is a two way street for communication!

8. If you have trouble interpreting the cards or receiving any information, don’t forget that everyone has their off days and sometimes the cards will just not respond to a question! Also consider the following:

  • A client may just be hard to read for or they may just not like the answer to the question!
  • The question asked may not be specific enough.
  • If you feel under pressure to perform, take a few deep breaths to clear your mind and voice your troubles out loud to the client. This may be enough to clear the block.
  • As stated above, include the client in the reading as their thoughts and feelings may help you to proceed.

9. Always be honest in readings. If you see a negative situation occurring in the future, do not gloss over it but advise the client about it.

10. To end a session, provide the client with a summary of what the cards have advised. Asked them if they have understood everything and if there is anything else they wish to know. Once you are finished with a client, hold the deck in your hand and communicate thanks to your tarot deck for the advice.

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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire


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Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.

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