Grades are inherent in all aspects of life, from our educational system to the scales of music. And their being influences whether the sound produces harmony or noise. Last Updated December 14, 2021 Introduction To say that that there is…
Grades are inherent in all aspects of life, from our educational system to the scales of music. And their being influences whether the sound produces harmony or noise.
Last Updated December 14, 2021
To say that that there is no order in the University is a falsity. Everything that was ever created, or eventuated, as some might argue, started as a well-thought out seed of intelligence. The seed when germinated, will produce every conceivable aspect of the plant that falls within its program. And although one would think that every seed is a carbon copy of the great tree that produced the seed, that is not entirely true. Every seed appears like the others in outer structure, however, depending upon where the seed was planted, the soil, light, and other important components of growth, these will determine the qualities that will come forth from the seed. The qualities are its virtues. It is the virtues which determine whether the seed gets eaten by birds, destroyed by natural forces such as scorching heat, too much water, or any other force acting in contra to the growth and survival of the seed. The virtue is that quintessential quality that determines what Nature desires to exist and what is unnecessary. The virtue is aligned with the Great Plan of Creation, and it is the grade of the seed, or animal, or mineral, man or spirit.
The grade is an evolutionary marker. In scientific terms it could be thought of as a genetic markers and can be defined as specific DNA sequences with a known location on a chromosome. The DNA is the intelligence packaged for reproduction. The marker of the DNA package is the tool used for linkage and associations. (For more information, see Course on Grades and Initiation.) If you have read the article on the Astral Planes, you will understand that the first spiritual dimension is the Astral Plane and it is a reflection of all of the elements on the physical dimension, except that is is composed of subtler energy which is composed of intelligent light that responds to emotional stimuli. So, the grade is a means of communicating to the overall system its specific location, and state in the Great Plan.
Man (Homo sapiens and previous homo (species n)) is part of the Great Plan, and thus has a Grade (marker) as an individual, and collective, through his associations which tend to be the same Grade. His Grade determines his position in society, his financial standings, his level of evolution, his associations, his virtue and usefulness in the Great Plan. As the Grade is genetic in base, it is actually made up of several factors.
The purpose of this article is to outline the Grades and their factors to allow the conscious man a means of understanding why his station in live is as it is and giving him knowledge of working in harmony with the Great Plan for the fulfilment of his place and purpose, as well as the joy of growth and being more according to his abilities.
The Grades
It is interesting that human beings have set up our mandatory educational system in a manner that requires that everyone has a set base of knowledge, understanding, skills and experience, that is formed in part by age, and in part by maturity. It is a thirteen year program that indoctrinates a student at the age of 4 1/2 years and is completed at approximately 18 years of age. It is thought that with this required study those who are most ambitious as individuals will be leaders in their micro societies and will give back to the macro economy. Those leaders will be able to compete effectively for the best jobs and opportunities within the limits of their educational levels. As dictated by Grade. In addition, we created higher learning systems that offer more specified knowledge and experience at the tertiary levels of education those being the University Degree programs of Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, and the Ph Degree programs. The idea is not wrong. It is sound in many ways.
It is thought that individuals that completed these advanced programs would be higher trained in their fields, with more knowledge and training than those who stopped at their twelfth year of study. Thus, being better able to function more efficiently and effectively at the higher levels in society. They would also have a broader understanding of Life, and behave perhaps less dogmatical in their approach to life, including people, economy and energy. For these people tend to have more mental energy than the others and therefore, have more spiritual energy to offer society.
With all of these educational systems, it was assumed that not every student would be interested in all subjects at the same levels, nor would they have the same acumen for all of the content at any of the levels, those being primary, secondary or tertiary. It is also noted that not all schools are the same in quality, or resources. This means that in order the level the playing field of aptitude, skills, and knowledge, the student would need to cultivate personal will and desire to take the opportunity and level the playing field through extra studies. The reason behind the disparity in educational quality is again found in the Grades. The great Law of Like Attracts Like operates on all dimensions, and is always at play with the purpose of the fulfilment of the Great Plan.
The Grades of DNA, of Evolution is therefore offered below as derivative works of scientist from many different fields, and developed by many different authors which include: Erik Erickson’s “Stages of Psychosocial Development”, William McDougall’s “Instinct Theory”, Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Imp of the Perverse”, Sigmund Freud’s “Thanatos” and “Beyond the Pleasure Principle”, and many others. Included in the Grades are perceptions and inner (soul) directives of motivation, instinct, emotional intelligence, expectancy, humanistic, incentive, and these directly relate to the energy that a person had, has, and will have in the future. An organism that is affected due to the above major genetic factors will possess different degrees of motivation and which will find as a root through their past, encouragement for their present, and directives for their future. We will waste no more time and outline the twelve Primary Grades and the higher level grades.
Outline of the Grades
First Grade
The first grade of a human being is understanding and knowledge of their Physical Self.
Initiation Represented: First initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment:
Trust vs. Mistrust, 0 – 1½ years of age.
Autonomy vs. Shame 1 – 3 years of age.
Initiative vs. Guilt 3 – 5 years of age.
Characterized by the Quality: Hope, Will, and Purpose
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Physiological needs – these are biological requirements for human survival, e.g. air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth, sex, sleep. It is first obtained by the parent(s) and later must be re-discovered as an adult. If this need is not acquired the human mind/body complex does not have the foundation needed to function without miasmas, psychosis, and sociopathy. In essence the mind cannot function optimally, impairing nervous system, muscle function, and organ function.
Maslow determined that physiological needs are the most important because of the inner harmony between the inner world and the outer world leads to Foundation and Kingdom.
Second Grade
The second grade of a human being is understanding and knowledge of their Astral or Emotional Self.
Initiation Represented: Astral (Emotional Self)
Initiation Value: Second Initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment: Industry vs. Inferiority 5 – 12 years of age.
Characterized by the Quality: Competency
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Safety needs proceed from physical needs accomplishment. So these include the physical and emotional aspects of security. The mind and heart of human beings need to experience order, predictability and so that they may exert control over their lives. This begins at this age by allowing the individual to choose what is important in their lives. This forces the adult aspect of the young person to start operating. And it fosters adult human beings who have confidence to make decisions that will affect their lives. It also teaches the lessons of consequences that correlated to decisions of safety and security. Security decisions pervade all physical and emotional decisions.
Third Grade
The third grade of a human is the introduction and accomplishment of their mental self and the development of their mind.
Initiation Represented: Mental Self
Initiation Value: Third initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment:
It is here that the we see evidence of the previous psychosocial attainments of Autonomy vs. Shame and Initiative vs. Guilt. For these qualities must have fought and the positive attributes won in order for the next developmental stages to present and flourish.
Industry vs. Inferiority compete within 5 – 12 years of age range.
Characterized by the Quality: Competency is the product the battle with Industry and Inferiority.
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Love (unity is a word substitute for love) and belongingness needs – after physiological and safety needs have been fulfilled, the third level of human needs is social and involves feelings of belongingness. Belongingness, refers to a human emotional need for interpersonal relationships, affiliating, connectedness, and being part of a group.
Fourth Grade
The fourth grade has the focus upon the introduction and understanding of Pranic energy or Spiritual energy through the use of the vehicle of the mind.
Initiation Represented: Prana Energy (Spiritual Energy)
Initiation Value: Fourth Initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment: Industry vs. Inferiority Competency 5 – 12 years of age.
Characterized by the Quality: Competency again is revisited and this quality will exert its force for the next six years as the individual learn to use their mind correctly and develop energy through the conversion of mental energy into spiritual energy (prana)
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Esteem needs are the fourth level in Maslow’s hierarchy and include self-worth, accomplishment and respect. They are classified as esteem for the self (dignity, achievement, mastery, independence) and along with the desire for reputation. It could also include respect from others which require performing activities which encourage better status, and prestige for the individual or their creative projects.
Within this level is the personal need respect which cultivates industry and competency while promoting achievement, status, responsibility, and reputation.
Fifth Grade
The fifth grade is the introduction of Instinctive Mind or the Collective Soul.
Initiation Represented: Instinctive Mind using the Collective Consciousness.
Initiation Value: Forth Initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment: Industry vs. Inferiority Competency 5 – 12 years of age.
Characterized by the Quality: Competency at this level.
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Cognitive Needs of the self through the vehicle of the Instinctive Mind. It represents the need to know and to understand the questions who what where and how. It is the not only the seeker of knowledge, but represents the ability to understand the meaning of the data, and use to develop clearer sense of self-awareness. Thus, it represents an almost biological need ‘to know’. This knowledge precedes Self-actualization. At this level you start to be aware of your potential. What you are good at, and what activities require more work. You start to strive towards Self-fulfillment in the areas that you excel, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. At this level you give yourself permission to accomplish everything that you can, to become the most of your experiences.
Sixth Grade
The Sixth grade is the level continues the level of the Instinctive Mind and further dipping into the Collective Unconsciousness.
Initiation Represented: Instinctive Mind
Initiation Value: Fourth Initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment: Industry vs. Inferiority 5 – 12 years of age.
Characterized by the Quality: Competency where the individual is given more advanced tasks that challenge the individual to work at their tasks and overcome inferiority and jealousy of other’s work and accomplishments.
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Cognitive Needs of the self through the vehicle of the Instinctive Mind. It represents the need to know and to understand the questions who what where and how. It is the not only the seeker of knowledge, but represents the ability to understand the meaning of the data, and use to develop clearer sense of self-awareness. Thus, it represents an almost biological need ‘to know’. This knowledge precedes Self-actualization. At this level you start to be aware of your potential. What you are good at, and what activities require more work. You start to strive towards Self-fulfillment in the areas that you excel, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. At this level you give yourself permission to accomplish everything that you can, to become the most of your experiences. The individual is starting to touch on their self-knowledge.
Seventh Grade
The seventh grade is represented by the development of the intellect.
Initiation Represented: Intellectual Mind (Start in the Higher Mind)
Initiation Value: Fifth Initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment:
Industry vs. Inferiority within 5 – 12 years of age.
Identity vs. Role Confusion within 12 – 18 years of age.
Characterized by the Quality: Competency and Fidelity
Hierarchy of Need Focus: This represents the same need that being the Cognitive Needs. At this initiation the individual is between two psychosocial levels of competition. The instinct is drawing on the resources of the individual and is drawing from the collective unconsciousness. While the individual creates and starts to define their unique identity within a the world of social and community they must still hammer out for themselves competency to differentiate themselves and defining their developing specialty. The biological urge to know who they are is more clearly defined and seen leaving role confusion behind. The individual feels more adult and values and embraces this role. Self-actualization has been seeded and is germinating.
You self-fulfillment grows and the community around you has seen your light and energy and starts to fully engage and support you. Your list of accomplishments grow.
Eighth Grade
The Eighth Grade is the continued development of the Intellect.
Initiation Represented: Intellectual Mind (Higher Mind)
Initiation Value: Fifth Initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment: Identity vs. Role Confusion 12 – 18 years of age
Characterized by the Quality: Fidelity
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Cognitive Needs of the self through the vehicle of the Instinctive Mind. It represents the need to know and to understand the questions who what where and how. It is the not only the seeker of knowledge, but represents the ability to understand the meaning of the data, and use to develop clearer sense of self-awareness. Thus, it represents an almost biological need ‘to know’. This knowledge precedes Self-actualization. At this level you start to be aware of your potential. What you are good at, and what activities require more work. You start to strive towards Self-fulfillment in the areas that you excel, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. At this level you give yourself permission to accomplish everything that you can, to become the most of your experiences.
Ninth Grade
The Ninth Grade is the Spiritual Mind
Initiation Represented: Spiritual Mind
Initiation Value: Sixth Initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment: Identity vs. Role Confusion 12 – 18 yeas of age.
Characterized by the Quality: Fidelity
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Aesthetic Needs are the needs of self-expression. It represents one’s own individuality and creativity towards the purpose and function of balancing the inner and outer harmonics with beauty, balance, and form. It is the next stage of self-actualization of the basic needs. At this focus the person identity is directed outwards and is a demonstration of who the person is or who they are becoming. It is in this phase that more money is made available to align the person’s values with those that are similar to the individual and the Law of Like Attracts Like is in play.
Tenth Grade
Initiation Represented: Spiritual Mind, Monad or Monadic Self
Initiation Value: Sixth Initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment: Identity vs. Role Confusion 12 – 18 yeas of age.
Characterized by the Quality: Fidelity
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Aesthetic Needs in this grade are represented by the need to carefully investigate the qualities of the self and close friends in order to attract the qualities which belong to the image and attend events that evoke an aesthetic experience. The aesthetic experience is the thoughts and feelings initiated because of the character imbued with the image. It relates to color structure geometry and other areas of organization. Again it is a beacon for like minded people see and be drawn to.
Eleventh Grade
Initiation Represented: Spiritual Mind Monad or Monadic Self
Initiation Value: Sixth Initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment: Identity vs. Role Confusion Fidelity 12 – 18 years of age.
Characterized by the Quality:
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Aesthetic Needs Transcendental. These are ideas of Aesthetic that are transcendent and universal elements that surpass the human interactions. In this initiation the goal is to begin to explore the notions that will be the foundation for whatever the next few years will bring.
The need to express one’s own individuality and creativity so that they will accomplish inner and outer harmony and balance. beauty, balance, form
Self-actualization needs are the highest level in Maslow’s hierarchy, and refer to the realization of a person’s potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. Maslow (1943) describes this level as the desire to accomplish everything that one can, to become the most that one can be.
Twelfth Grade
Initiation Represented:
Initiation Value:
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment:
Identity vs. Role 12 – 18 years of age.
Intimacy vs. Isolation 18 – 40 years of age.
Characterized by the Quality: The qualities are between Confusion and Love (or Unity).
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Self-actualization needs are being fully realized. The person recognizes their full potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences.
University Undergraduates Grades
Initiation Represented: Pure Spirit
Initiation Value: Seventh Initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment:
Identity vs. Role 12 – 18 years of age.
Intimacy vs. Isolation 18 – 40 years of age.
Characterized by the Quality: The qualities are between Confusion and Love (or Unity).
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Self Actualization finals which include more efficient perception of reality and more comfortable relations with your internal and external environments. This characteristic includes the detection of truth and finding people like yourself. At first you believe that most people believe as you do. Your experiences will be based upon the strenth of you foundation during your primary years. It is also affected by the degree of distortions within your true self you ecperienced. Accurate perception of what exists rather than a distortion of perception by others’ needs. Self-actualizing people are more aware of their environment, both human and nonhuman. They are not afraid of the unknown and can tolerate change, uncertainty, and tentativeness without losing sight of their personal truth.
At this level it includes Transcendence. is a personality trait where one expands the personal boundaries, not only physically but all personality planes including; emotionally, mentally and spiritual ideas. The spiritual ideals is where we include invisible forces as part of the solution within our personal universe
Initiation Represented: Pure Spirit
Initiation Value: Seventh Initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment:
Intimacy vs. Isolation 18 – 40 years of age.
Characterized by the Quality: Love (or Unity).
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Acceptance of self, others, and nature. Self-actualizing persons are not ashamed or guilty about their human nature, with its shortcoming, imperfections, frailties, and weaknesses. Nor are they critical of these aspects of other people. They respect and esteem themselves and others. Moreover, they are honest, open, genuine, without pose or facade. They are not, however, self-satisfied but are concerned about discrepancies between what is and what might be or should be in themselves, others, and society. Again, these characteristics are those which Kelly, Rogers, and Combs and Snygg include in their descriptions.
Initiation Represented: Spirit
Initiation Value: Seventh Initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment:
Intimacy vs. Isolation 18 – 40 years of age.
Characterized by the Quality: Love (Unity)
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Self-actualizing, Spontaneity. is not hampered by convention, but they learn to work with it as underlying structure. They are not conformists, but neither are they anti-conformist for the sake of being so. They are motivated and goal-directed by their internal forces, natural of growth and development. This is the secret of the actualization of themselves and their potentialities. It is the Soul desiring to express itself in the tangible and intangible.
Initiation Represented: Spirit
Initiation Value: Seventh Initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment:
Characterized by the Quality: Unity
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Problem-centering. Self-actualizing persons, touching on transcendence. Actions are not ego-centered but focus on problems. The need is mission-oriented, duty-bound, with sense of responsibility, obligation, not personal choice. One would think that the person has resorted back to role confusion, but this is not true. It is not missing security and defensiveness. The need has elevated into pre-transcentalism.
University Graduate Grades
Initiation Represented: Spititual
Initiation Value: Seventh Initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment:
Characterized by the Quality:
Hierarchy of Need Focus: Self-transcendence is a personality trait where one expands the personal boundaries, not only physically but all personaltiy planes including; emotionally, mentally and spiritual ideas. The spiritual ideals is where we include forces that are not necessarily physical as part of the solution within our personal universe.the capacity to expand self-boundaries intrapersonally (toward greater awareness of one’s philosophy, values, and dreams), interpersonally (to relate to others’ and one’s environment), temporally (to integrate one’s past and future in a way that has meaning for the present), and transpersonally (to connect with dimensions beyond the typically discernible world).
The PhD. level forms the Universal Self. This is the self that determines which direction to its energies. It has the two primary choices of self and not self. The self relates to research and ultimately assists the society but is not the focus. The Not Self choice has the focus upon a direction that places society needs as the causal force.
Initiation Represented: Universal Self
Initiation Value: Twelfth Initiation
Psychosocial Competition Level and General Age of Attainment: Ego Integrity vs. Despair
Characterized by the Quality: Wisdom:
Hierarchy of Need Focus: The individual is now a totally developed adult. The developmental perspective is Age and detachment. The quality of detachment; the need for privacy. The self-actualizing person enjoys solitude and privacy of developmental study. It is possible for s/him to remain undisturbed by the outer world. He may even appear to be asocial. The individual is not, only filled with a ‘different Spirit’. This is a characteristic that does not appear in other descriptions. It is perhaps related to a sense of security and self-sufficiency. and transcendence. Nothing and everything matters. Materialistic and rational vision, give way to absolute trust to a more cosmic and transcendent reality. It is here the person experiences bliss, as an increase in total satisfaction.
The Adult Self-Transcendence Inventory has five subscales:
Self-knowledge and self-integration
Peace of mind
Presence in the here-and-now and growth
The Builder Level
This is discussed in the course.
Intimacy vs. Isolation Love 18 – 40 years of age.
The Engineer Level
Generativity vs. Stagnation Care 40 – 65 years of age.
Ego Integrity vs. Despair Wisdom 65+ years of age.
This is discussed in the Course
The Architect Level
7. Generativity vs. Stagnation Care 40 – 65
8. Ego Integrity vs. Despair Wisdom 65+
This is discussed in the Course
The need and desire to help others to achieve their bliss in a way that doesn’t reduce your own accomplishments.
Analysis of journey and assessment of personal growth and fulfilment. Determination of the next Path of Evolution. Planetary or Solar.
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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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