The Psion knows that all life is ruled by immutable laws of nature. These laws when broken by either neglect or intention lead to loss of life. The law of Life has within its context the Law of Order. It…
The Psion knows that all life is ruled by immutable laws of nature. These laws when broken by either neglect or intention lead to loss of life. The law of Life has within its context the Law of Order. It is the Law of Order that governs all substances from the smallest subatomic particle to the largest universe.
Original Date August 17, 2021
Last Update: August 18, 2021
The body of every human is a means to an end. It is an instrument for the culture of the Soul and the indwelling Spirit. ~ Rajah Yoga
Within each person is the unalienable desire to live in health. There are conditions for life and living that can not be broken. These are the laws of Nature which follow the Law of Survival and all of its subsidiary laws. (See “What Does You Body Say About Your Spirit“) So, inbuilt within these same laws lies the Law of Harmony and the Law of Order. As a Psion we must learn the laws of Nature, Laws of Harmony and the Law of Order and wield them intelligently.
Harmony is a little known law, little known because of the bodies exceptional ability to compensate in real time to counter the events that trigger imbalance. Harmony in nature is indispensable, just as it is within the human bodies, those of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Discord is the beginning of all death, and destruction. Discord is the younger brother of The Law of Entropy. When an organism or organization does not have enough energy resources within its personal system to continue with normal functions, (entropy) it attempts to remove resources from other parts of the larger system (discord). It then causes disruption within those other environments and expedites the process of discord and destruction. Harmony, therefore, is the result of the correct operation of the Law of Order. The opposite is the Law of Discord. The Master Key of Creation is the bridge to assist us in warding off entropy and discord with the cultivation and use of harmony. Within it is the knowledge of the vital forces which keep one’s personal world healthy and harmonious, and then by extension the outer world in balance and harmony.
The purpose of this little article is to explain the Master Key of Creation, what it is, how to cultivate it and use it in our daily lives so that we maintain perfect health and wellbeing. When everyone does their part and takes care of themselves in a harmonious manner it perpetuates the success and well being of our family, friends, and the rest of the world. Therefore, the Master Key of Creation is of vital importance not only for the individual, but for humanity as a whole.
So, let’s start by outlining the principles of the Master key and include the ways in which the average person may use it by applying the principles to create a rich and fulfilling life.
What is the Master Key of Creation
The Master key of Creation is the scientific system behind the how nature forms, maintains, and modifies life within unique but interrelated biomes. It is the universal framework of perfection of structure and function and is used as the key tool of manifest and unmanifested energy. We see its manifestations in all natures sounds, colors, shapes, fields of energy.
There are many principles that play vital roles in its functions within a system. Some of its most principles are listed below, along with an outline and description of harmonic and disharmonic operations. The core principles structures that are used are thinking (or thoughts)
1. Logical Thinking and Ethical Order
The first principle of the Master Key of Creation is Logical Thinking and Ethical Order. Thought is a creative force and every thought has a quality of either builder or destroyer. Ethical order is inbuilt in the systems of nature where energy resources follow specific moral principles that govern their mind, behavior, conduct, or activity. The ethical order governs what the system deems as either good or bad. In human terms this corresponds to either good or evil. We see it as good or evil because we have used valuable energy inputs to create. Nature may deem different these values as it addresses the net effect on the ultimate goal of life and nature. Therefore the first principle of the Master Key of Creation is one of the logical use of inputs the creation of ethical processes so that the outputs created a set of logical controls in which to govern the creation and then places it effectively and efficiently within the environment to work cooperatively within the system as the environment goes through its cycles of expansions and contractions.
2. Mental Equilibrium
After the principle of Logical Thinking and Ethical order the system needs to make balance itself within the environment in which it lives. Thoughts that assessment the effectiveness of the system are used and if the outcomes are not sufficient then Mental Adjustment is made both in the internal as well as within the external environment. Thought then, is the manner of control within the system, and if the results are uneven, unsteady, or off-track, then the system applies more thoughts (mental control) to trigger additions or subtractions as needed to maintain equilibrium.
In human terms, the individual creates and employs a world of thought wherein he may weather with calm fortitude the storms of mental life, for disappointment and sorrow pass no one by, and suffering is the loom in which character is made. His mind then balances his hormones cause more or less to enter certain organs or leave organs. The body of man is the chemistry set of his health and well being.
His mind can be so powerful a defensive arm in the battles of earthly existence, that, in behalf of his interests and welfare, he must learn to measure its force, understand its almost limitless power. The Logical and Ethical Order must be employed judiciously. This is the true power and value of his mental force given to him that he may be able to meet and conquer, not only exterior difficulties, but even greater and more subtle enemies from within. The person that doesn’t use parts of his body or mind soon find that they lose their ability to access these vital physical and non-physical organs.
3. The Habits
After equilibrium is reaches it is important that the system continues performing the actions which bring success and ceases any actions that prove unproductive. Nature always has great habits. Accordingly, her actions are prime consideration as to the established order have provided learning and feedback and are now self perpetuating and influence future actions as long as those actions cultivate patterns of success. The thoughts therefore, seep deep within the lower, more unconscious layers of mind, there they act as seeds for future actions of circumstances that are needed and required. Nature’s path is always consistent. The sun always rises is the east and sets to the west. After each spring there is summer. These are things that don’t change. There is an everlasting frequency and vibration of life which keeps natures patterns intake that has been cultivated over billions of years.
Like nature, the individual must establish positive productive habits grown out of logic and ethical roots and then use the good experiences to fuel the control control over his body, mind, and spirit. He should cultivate the habit of avoiding wastefulness, fear, insecurity and a host of other character “flaws” which undermine the growth and expansion of his mental/energetic powers. The habit of avoiding haste should also be one of the prime directives of the individual, “as haste makes waste”, as the story says. Each decision should be carefully weighed and measured against all available historic information, and then used for his greatest good, followed by the greater good of the most who are affected. His daily thirty decisions (see article “Mistakes Do Count” which on average equates to 7.5 mistakes being made daily can easily be reduced to have if not less. The use of all areas of the mind is the key to avoiding mistakes. Human produce energy and apply it in many different ways. His energy inputs are either primary resources such as mind, time, spirit, and energy or it could be the manifested transformations of those energies; work, money, food, and personal effects. Good habits facilitate great use of those energies creating sustainable fields of energy for him and the humanity as well.
4. The Bars of Doubt
Once Nature has set into place the logic, ethics, equilibrium, and habitual patterns of the system, it is important that she follows the set of instructions to the letter avoiding any deviation from the path. All cycles follow a specific pathway; from birth to growth, to maturity to decay. Thus, it is important that the system strictly follows the blueprint.
Nature uses death and decay to eliminated all unwanted deviants that destroy the smooth operations and the continuity of the system and so it is the last phase of the system. When something is lost, it is lost because it no longer serves a purpose of being for the highest good of the self and the environment. Not every biological structure is good for the system. Remember, good as earlier defined is that which is constructive, positive, and productive for the individual units as well as for the system at large. Good is the scale of quality of building, and is the barometer which Nature determines whether the existing energy or structure should exist or not exist. That which is negative or destructive is piracy to the system.
And so, all doubt should be removed with this binary system of purpose and function. It follows then these make for the cycles, phases, and seasons of life. The set of instructions is quite clear and there is no deviation from the norm. Material inside abides by the laws as well as material that is manifest outside. This means that the environment external to the individual system will reflect the internal world.
Man, likewise follows the gross patterns of birth, growth, maturity and decay. So, then he must also fix the perfect patterns of his youth to his young adulthod, and then the perfect patterns of his young adulthood to his older ages. In this manner, he maintains proper structure and function. A difference between man and Nature is his inept thinking and feeling systems. While nature doesn’t double or question its purpose and function in life, man, as a species has learn not to trust his own inner guidance in favor of fads, innovations, and faulty patterns of thinking. He has even determined in some cases that individual thinking to be a detriment to his survival. Woe to the person who does not trust his inner guidance, as he will readily be a slave to something external to him that only has its own selfish needs and desires to fulfil. This leads the individual follower a slave to be used until their function is no longer needed, at which time it will then be disposed of, deemed no longer necessary in the plan.
5. The Gospel of Optimism
Nature is always the great optimist. This is because she knows her strengths and weakness, she learn, grows and evolves to her fullest capacity. She does not allow the environment to control her, she controls her environment. She know her cycles of growth and decay. She knows in advance what will occur and has already determined the correct course of action. This is because she uses historical references known as instinct and intuition. When she blends knowledge with the lower and higher mind aspects, the intellect and spiritual mind, it is impossible for her to fail. This leads to the Gospel of Optimism. It is self-knowing of and self-transcendence that is the secret.
Man too, must learn to use his instinct, intuition, and lower and higher mind, to navigate his external and to a lesser degree his internal environment. He must learn that the patterns that were set in humanity’s history were created and then set in place over a period of literally billions of years. And according to the Hindus, it was many cycles of Big Bang that would equate to innumerable epochs. Also, he must understand that there are immutable laws of Nature, like those discussed in earlier articles such as (” “). Nature is the co-creator and administrator of all laws, as such she is the road map that humanity has to use in order to ensure his best success. Nature always looks at herself first before looking at the reflection outside of herself. Man would be wise to do the same.
The trouble is that we see the physically sick, mentally unstable, spiritually inert, and believe that the lack; the poverty, disease, starvation, aged and vices of humanity have each imprinted their marks upon humanity. It is the “truth” and the Fate of humanity that the average man breathes, eats and drinks.
We are deluding ourselves by regarding these things. When we think of man and the marvelous things he has done in art, invention, science, literature, philosophy, commerce, engineering, transforming wilderness and deserts into beautiful cities, with stately architecture, the forces of Nature ministering to his numerous wants quickly and quietly — when we regard such a creature and identify him with the destroyed man, where is the truth?
It is true that man is higher than the beasts, as well as it is equally true that he has the power to sink far below them within the twinkling of an eye. The ideal man is as real as the wreck, and it only remains to be seen which ultimate direction man is to take now and in the future.
We would be well to remember that every person experiences things that will become a trial of their faith in themselves, and their environment. It is a test to see what they truly believe in. The opposite of faith in themselves is despair in themselves.
When man follows the instructions of Nature, and its laws, we trust in ourselves and know our ultimate direction comes from within us. Then we too have the Gospel of Optimism.
6. The Acquisition of Serenity and the Use of Mind Power
Individuality is what evolution or the principle of unfoldment aims at, but it is the gaining of a strength that cannot be destroyed. Strength of body and strength of mind should be the desiderata of all men and women, because a strong character is the normal outcome of eternal progress; strength is evoked not to enable one to walk over those less strong, but for the purpose of helping them; teacher and student must ever make up humanity, however it must be the appropriate level the teacher and the student. Nature teaches those who are ready to learn the lessons, but only those lessons that the system has mental capacity to learn. A baby bird is not thrown out of the nest the day that he is born. Neither is a bear cub allowed to share space with a mountain lion. Each substance and organism is taught at the level that it is able to learn. There is a Biblical verse, “cast not pearl to swine”. And all beings in nature tend to follow these lessons as a measure of assurance. When it does it finds that it creates and maintains serenity, thus is able to use the power of its mind and being to its fullest account.
Serenity is a vector quantity. It has both magnitude and direction. Mans serenity is created by his past experience and facilitated by the mental picture-imaging faculty which all minds possess to one extent or other. It should always be placed into service where it is desired to either create harmony and peace within the being and outside of the being. The direction tool must be used and in most people it is missing although it is activated and used in nature. The direction is the force which aims, controls and runs the serenity for the individual.
Where energies are vigorously functioning twenty-four/seven they need direction, otherwise being highly imitative they either copy whatever actions they may have just performed, or the actions that they see outside of themselves. It the imitated action is not constructive for the individual this is what constitutes worry and the loss of serenity. The worry being the southern direction of the serenity pole. If worry is left unchecked then it moves round and round in vicious circles, where it finds the same spot each time, so that no problem is ever solved by worry, because the solution lies outside the circle.
The nature of the circle in nature is to protect that which is inside from that which is outside. Life is made up of problems, for the organism that isn’t in the right place. And the lack in the proper use of the mind means that the individual will constantly be bombarded by problematic fields of energy.
Many pursue the same course year after year, following in the same old groove. They are conscious of not making headway; they feel that they are only marking time, yet their vector direction is still pointed south. And as much they may desire to strike out they are thwarted by there inability to change the direction of their internal compass leading to their failure. This always leads to destruction and their eventual extinction. They must learn to use their mind power to turn their compass to the right direction of serenity and keep it there.
7. Self-Control and Self-Reliance. Motivation Creates Energy
Nature is always self-reliant. She has planned her system in this manner. While other organisms may appear connected, they are there ever so superficially. It is the function of every organism to prove” its value to the system. It proves its value by finding its unique niche and growth power and control within it. Self-reliance gives evidence that the organism is needed and fulfills its place. Life follows the laws of Economy and Conservation of Energy and Mass. This means that lost energy is assumed by either the system in which it originally belonged, or by a better adapted field of energy for that energy. In this way, energy is never lost.
The mental or soul force that fritters away in a hundred different directions will accomplish nothing, and it leads to the eventual decay and death of the organism. The sun’s rays shines on everything, giving the only evidence of fairness, but that is the extent of fairness. And the inability of an organism to use their mind, body, and spirit complex to acquire, use, and manage energy marks the future of its extinction.
Nature uses self control and self reliance intensified to motivate and control its energy. Man must then also use his self control and self reliance to develop the sort of character using his mind images to direct himself to virtue, strong and radiant, and bridge the gaps of resources and energies that are missing to enjoy his personal control.
8. Unconscious Concentration
The beauty of serenity is inner peace and the ability to control one’s environment. Serenity finds like minded energies that fortify and control the environment. This means that at some point the control becomes unconscious. Again the absence of fear and worry, the harmony, leading the lessening of activities, slowly creates a mental atmosphere that is charged with a field of energy that has a vibration, frequency and wavelength that naturally attracts all of the things required to maintain the serenity. This is Rhythm.
A natural rhythm runs through all Kingdoms of Nature. The mental part is no less than the physical, and the automatism of the mind is responsible for the natural inhalation of the desired and the exhalation of concentrated forces that will broken down and then regrouped somewhere else in nature in accordance with the laws of life.
In man there is a psychological law that the use of a faculty to its utmost increases its capacity, and so we find after the steady daily application the mind, the thought forms easily perform the work that it had been performing. This means that at some point over time the individual will not need to consciously focus on the act, but his subconscious mind and soul will eventually take over and perform that activity.
9. The Metaphysical Alchemy
And so Nature eventuates in unconscious activity which promotes the health and wellbeing in all of her forms in all dimensions within time and space. These forms are both visible and invisible. The invisible feeds the visible and the visible feeding the invisible. It is the perfect symbiosis. A mutualistic relationship that can not be broken if she is to survive.
Therefore, man, in his quest for his Master Key of Creation, that key that allows him to have control over his life and his destiny is found not so much in the visible, but within his inner nature. Man may search for a lifetime for this key if he looks outside of himself, but the Gods deliberately placed it in a place where he would have to go through many initiations through for some many lifetimes in order to find it. And then it can only when he is in the right time/space.
Metaphysical Alchemy is the Path of Freedom, the Path of Purification, and the Path of Evolution. The mind moves over the body searching for the spirit that will set him free. Until that time he will be tempted by many self-destructive, illogical sequences of actions proceeding logical sequences of correct actions thought. He will go through phases where nothing seems to work for him, and then it will seem that sometimes things will work. A victim mentality will ensue and the desire to escape his fate through over indulgence of drink or drugs, the association with negative and sometimes downright evil people. All of these will sway his concentration from building and productive to destroying and destructive. Some of the greatest minds in history went through similar periods of times in their lives. And it is called the “Dark Nights of the Soul” in some books and its history goes back to the very ages in time. In Biblical times, there was the story of Jacob who was said to have wrestled with an Angel of the Lord. He won the fight althoug the angel touched and wrenched his hips. In Metaphysical Alchemy the hip represents a man’s direction. And thus after Jacob’s match in Genesis 32:24, his name was changed to Isreal, which means ‘he who wrestles with God’. And Israel was given a blessing.
In the same way, we all have to wrestle with our own transcendence to fulfil our initiations and move to the next level of evolution. And spiritual alchemy is connected with freeing the spiritual self from the fears, limiting beliefs systems, and lack of self-acceptance. As Nature trusts her own process, so must each human being.
10. Claiming Your Own
And so we go back to the beginning and end in a complete circle. The Master Key of Creation in Nature is a scientific system behind the how nature forms, maintains, and modifies life within unique but interrelated biomes. Within this system we see her logical thinking and ethical order, Mental Equilibrium, The Habits, The Bars of Doubt, The Gospel of Optimism, The Acquisition of Serenity, and the Use of Mind Power Self-Control and Self-Reliance. Motivation Creates Energy, Unconscious Concentration, The Metaphysical Alchemy and Claiming Your Own. She uses all of these keys to define, control, and sustain her creations.
Humans beings must do the same. They must use their minds to create the types of thoughts that define, control, and sustain themselves. They can not look for someone else to go through their initiations for them. At best they may take a couple of close friends by the hand, but they can not carry everyone on their back. As the old adage goes, “get off my back”.
We will leave you this this thought.
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Thank you for Reading!
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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
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Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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