The study of matter is one of the most important subjects that you can ever know. Its understanding helps you to determine what is real, and what is becoming. It also teaches one how to put together that which is…
The study of matter is one of the most important subjects that you can ever know. Its understanding helps you to determine what is real, and what is becoming. It also teaches one how to put together that which is not real in a manner that makes it real.
Last Update: October 18 2021
” We are living in a material world and I am a material Girl.” ~ Famous Actor
Psionics and Physicality (Matter)
Psionics include an understanding of matter and materiality. So, we shall discuss this very important subject from a scientific standpoint, and occasionally extend the discussion into the subject of Psionic. Remember, Psionics is the study of the uses of tangible and non-tangible systems towards life or reality.
Most people have a healthy love for the physical world, and that is a positive perspective. Let’s face it, it is the first world that we learn about. We open our eyes at birth, and we see our parents smiling faces staring back at us. They appear blurry because your eyes haven’t yet focused and tuned into our new world yet, but they appear sold.
Most parents put their newborns through rigorous training of detecting differences in textures; smooth, rough, soft and hard. The purpose of this training in materiality is to create strong synaptic connections as the baby grows from infancy to young adulthood. Most children start with 2,500 synaptic connections per neuron and this increases as the child develops. By adulthood in some areas the number grows to 7,000. This is important because each of those connections are important for the person to quickly make sense of their lives.
Each of these connections makes it easier for a the person to understand their personal and outer worlds. The world of physicality. It is the most important plane for most of us, and it is the plane that our brains are programmed and most accustomed to navigating through. Actually, our brains are programmed for two planes at birth, although the second plane society and science have discounted as real in the past.
In this article, we will not delve too much into the Astral Plane, but will focus upon the very core of the very fibers of material nature, those are the atoms, and their particles and molecules. These important particles make up the solids, liquids, and gases of our reality. We wills start our conversation with those basic elements that make up everything you are and everything that you see. By the end of this article you will have a pretty good understanding how these building blocks of life make up our visible universe. This understanding allows you to analyze information more intelligently, analyzing, weighing and measuring truth and falsity that we all encounter.
Without further adieu, let us start with defining matter and materiality, from the view of a scientist.
What is Matter?
Matter as stated earlier is all around us. It is the air we breath, the food we eat, the building we build, and every else that we can perceive with our primary five senses. When you look up the term matter in most science books or in Google, we see that matter defined is the following:
/ˈmæt.ər/ US /ˈmæt̬.ɚ/
1. the substance or substances of which any physical object consists or is composed: the matter of which the earth is made.
2. physical or corporeal substance in general, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, especially as distinguished from incorporeal substance, as spirit or mind, or from qualities, actions, and the like.
3. something that occupies space.
4. a particular kind of substance with mass
So, we learn that matter is a property of stuff. It is anything that takes up space and contains mass. It is not energy, or light, or sound. All of the latter of these are electromagnetic properties of energies. Matter is very structured and it is made up of fundamental particles that are defined by two levels of physics, Classical Newtonian Physics and Quantum Physics. As quantum physics looks at the very micro level of matter, its energy in fact, we will not have time to talk about the quantum particles except to say that they are quarks, leptons, hadrons, baryons, mesons, pion, kaon, electron, muon, neutrino.
What Makes Up a Material Object? Atoms.
Let us continue our discussion. Now the structure of all matter is made up of atoms. Atoms are defined as the smallest of matter. They are actually the substances the defines the structure of the object. The origin of the word “atoms” comes from the Greek word “atomos” which means uncuttable or indivisible. This is actually not true as later it was discovered that atoms are composed of subatomic particles called electrons, protons, and neutrons, which we will talk about next.
The Size of Atoms
Atoms are very very tiny. There actual size varies with the number of subatomic particles they contain, but the size of an Hydrogen atom, the smallest element is 1.06 X 10−10 meters. This is so small that you could fit two billion atoms here (.) within this full-stop.
The Composition of Atoms
We already mentioned that atoms are made up of three types of subatomic particles, but, even with the three different particles, the atom is basically empty space. The size of the atom is 5.0 x 10^4 greater than the nucleus. This leaves a lot of space in between. The average person might ask what fills the extra space? The answer is filled with information/data in the form of fields and orbitals. In essence the space is place holders that communicate to other atoms, and molecules.
As we mentioned earlier, an atom is the part of an element. The element is a chemical substance with only one type of atom. It can have many atoms but they all must be the same type. In order there to be different elements, the number of protons, electrons and neutrons within the atom must change number. And in a stable atom there are equal numbers of each of the three subatomic particles. For example every helium element always contains two electrons, two protons, and two neutrons in a neutral atom. In addition, each atom is identified by its signature number of protons. In other words, in our previous element, helium, a neutral atom always contains two protons. If there are three or one protons, then the atom is not helium, but hydrogen and lithium respectively.
The story of how the elements were formed is evidenced by the ageing of the Sun. You see when the Sun was first formed it was made up of only hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen atoms have one electron, one proton, and one neutron. The heat and activity of the sun causes the hydrogen atoms to collide and fuse together. This fusion caused the hydrogen atom to become Helium. This event continued until the sun’s composition of atoms was not only hydrogen but over 67 other elements. This is a prime example of diversity at the macro level… from the one comes the many.
The Types of Atoms of Elements
Back to our atom. There are many types of atoms. The type is what gives the atom and its formations, their special properties and characteristics. For example of properties of hydrogen atoms when they are bonded in pairs, and at room temperature and pressure, they always have the property of a nontoxic, nonmetallic, odorless, tasteless, colorless, and highly combustible diatomic gas with the molecular formula H2.
The bond between the hydrogen atoms discussed above is the magic of atoms bonding with one another. They always bond in very specific and discrete ways. The bonding defines the state of the material object. The state is the form of the bonded molecules. The possibilities are solid, liquid, gaseous or plasma at room temperature. The possibilities change when the temperature, or pressure changes. This is important foundational information because it allows us to predict behavior of matter and use the laws of science to control and engineer the qualities into something that makes our lives better. The petroleum for our vehicles, the filtration process for our drinking water, the alloys we use to machine tools all require knowledge of the base constituents atoms, molecules and various other substances.
The Elements of Nature
While atoms make up all substances in nature, they are actually basic chemicals from nature. Each element is made up of the atom type that define the element. We mentioned how the atoms were made within the sun, on earth were have approximately 120 that have been recognized. Chemists (a person engaged in chemical research or experiments) have organized all of the elements within periods and families. Their system is called the Periodic Table of Elements. It starts with the smallest and lightest element and works up to the largest and heaviest element. Remember, elements are heavy due to the number of particles within them. It includes around twenty elements that are not found in nature, but that are synthesized by chemists. An example of a new element is Oganesson (#118 on Periodic Table). It was created in 2002 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna when calcium (# 20) atoms were fired at radioactive californium atoms (#98). Oganesson is the heaviest atom on the chart.
Molecules are Bonded Atoms
The last topic that we are going to cover in this brief introduction is the molecules. As atoms and their elements are the fundamental building blocks of all material things, when they come together in one of three types of bonds, they form discreet structures that may be either organic or inorganic. These molecules can be elements, compounds, or pure substances. While this is merely an introduction to materiality, we will not go into depth and explain the three types of bond. We will merely outline them by saying they are hydrogen bonds, covalent bonds, and ionic bonds. The distinction has to do with the types of sharing of electrons between the bonds; that is polar, equal, and transient sharing of electrons.
So then a molecule is the bonding of two or more atoms by one of the three types of bonds mentioned above. As mentioned above they form in very precise and discreet forms. The shape of the molecule depends upon the types of atoms and the arrangement of the bond that hold them together. When they are formed the mass of the combinations change. The sum of the all the atomic weights of all of the atoms are part of the molecules. Our four dynamic forces apply to the molecules and there is tension within the molecules.
Chemical Formulas
When you want to identify a molecule you use designated letters to identify them. This is called a chemical formula. It shows the exact composition of the molecule or a compound (are substances that are made with atoms of different elements combine). An example of a formula is that of table salt, NaCl. This means two things. First, it identifies that salt contains Sodium (Na) and Chloride (Cl). It also tells us that the ratio of atoms are one Na to one Cl. If you had two atoms of Sodium to one atom of CL it would not bond and if it did by accident it would not form salt. Salt can only be found as NaCl.
So How Does This Relate to the Material World
Matter is anything that you can see, touch, taste and smell. It is made of atoms that bond together to form molecules and larger objects. These objects can be found in one of four different states. Those are solid, liquid, gaseous, and plasma. These states are based upon the environment that the molecule is located. It should be room temperature and under a normal atmospheric pressure.
There is actually quite a lot more about the material world that we could talk about. This is merely an introduction to the subject to be a refresher to those who studied this in the past, or for an introduction to those who never learned this is school.
What is the Importance of Materiality with Psionics
Psionics uses the laws of nature to create, change, and store energy from all levels. The study and practice of telekinesis, psychokinesis, metamorphosis, and transformation require an understanding of these principles.
What do you remember?
- Define matter.
- Define atom.
- What does atom mean in Greek and is it true?
- What are the three types of molecular bonds?
- What is a Periodic Table of Elements?
Thank you for reading!
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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
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Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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Psionic Quote of the Day
“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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