Have your ever had an experience you thought was a coincidence, but a nagging feeling made you feel there was more meaning to it? Those nagging feelings may be the very seeds of your own psychic ability waiting to be…
Have your ever had an experience you thought was a coincidence, but a nagging feeling made you feel there was more meaning to it? Those nagging feelings may be the very seeds of your own psychic ability waiting to be cultivated.
Original Date: July 20 2021
Last Update: September 9 2021
In order to develop your psychic sense you must practice and work at it. The same is true for exercising one’s body. There is no difference. One is for body fitness and the other is for mental which is the same as spiritual fitness. Both give you the tools to reach your full potential and the ability to create an even better life than you have now. And very few people can avoid practicing to cultivate a healthy body or develop their spiritual senses.
The exception to this rule are people who have had a number of past lives where they have done much spiritual development work and in their current incarnation it has come through and those who have be abused and traumatized as children. These children had learned to develop special spiritual gifts in order to survive their hostile home life and environments. As adults they use these gifts to give them an edge over life.
Psychic Senses Awareness
Your psychic sense can be compared to the bubbles that surface on a quiet pond. As you quietly stare into a still pond, you will soon notice the movement of the water. When you continue to focus your attention into the small body of water, you will eventually see tiny ripples of water and small bubbles emerge from the depths of the quiet pond. That’s exactly the way your sixth sense will respond, when you pay attention to the “psychic bubbles” of insights that surface from the depths of your mind.
How You Can Develop Your Psychic Ability Naturally?
Set aside time to do nothing but experience your senses. Absorb everything you observe or feel around you. When an image flashes into your mind or a feeling runs through your body, don’t be quick to dismiss it. Instead, allow yourself to savor it as you would a delicious dessert. If it is an image, observe the details of it but also pay attention to the way the image makes you feel. If it’s a feeling, try to make it into an image. Imagine it as a sound or a smell.
Try new activities and do old things in new ways. Loosen your focus on goals and try being flexible enough to stimulate your mind by doing something out of the ordinary. Follow your impulses and lean toward the unusual. As you do, you will be exercising your mind to function psychically.
A little on Brain Waves
Studies show that the brain waves of subjects change when they’re introduced to new materials or experiences. A person who is receptive to new experiences, new information, and has been exposed to unusual and varied life experiences, will find it easier to develop the ability. Therefore, act like sponge! Soak up as many experiences as possible to feed your mind the subliminal stimuli necessary to cultivate your psychic ability.
Simple Tips to Assist Your Psychic Development
Exercise your extra-sensory mental muscle naturally with these five simple tips:
- Solve a problem by listening to a “hunch” or “gut instinct”.
- Travel as much as possible and observe everything.
- Change your routine by driving a new way to work or in some other way.
- Try an exotic food and savor the experience.
- Talk to someone you think you have nothing in common with.
In Summary
Developing your psychic sense is a natural as learning how to exercise. To develop your sixth sense naturally set aside time to practice and stick with it. Instead just experiencing the moment through your normal five senses and become aware of everything as though you were just born to tune into your entire world. You will notice that your awareness will bubble through your consciousness through the practice of very simple exercise which develop your brain waves to pick up and discern the subtle energies around you. Remember that some people are born with gifts and some people have to work on it. Only those who are natural are awakened to use their spiritual gifts.
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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
Posted by admin
Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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