The dinosaurs are a great example of non-favoritism. They lived on the planet for a duration of approximately 175 million years. And their demise and extinction occurred as no direct result of their undoing, it was thought that an asteroid …
The dinosaurs are a great example of non-favoritism. They lived on the planet for a duration of approximately 175 million years. And their demise and extinction occurred as no direct result of their undoing, it was thought that an asteroid
Original Date: August 16 2021
Last Update: August 15 2021
Every organism that lives on Earth plays life by the same immutable laws of nature. Life shows no favoritism when it comes to existence. The dinosaurs are a great example of non-favouritism. They lived on the planet for a duration of approximately 175 million years. And their demise and extinction occurred as no direct result of their undoing, it was thought that an asteroid collision with Earth along with volcanic destruction were the culprits. That being said, roughly 900 species were eliminated leaving only smaller representative species of reptiles and birds. It would be 65 million years later before people populated Earth. Their dominion occurring due to the way in which they used their minds. They think, they change, and they evolve.
And while human beings have maintain dominion over the earth, he is still encumbered with the same rules and values that applies to all life on Earth. That being said, human beings have been blessed above all the other kingdoms in nature; those of the Mineral, Plant, and Animal, with an active, controllable mind, which allows them to co-create a personalized version of their world.
A creature capable of using fully its mind has the duty and responsibility to use it wisely, to live sanely, and within the harmonious laws of life.
The Body
In addition to having a blessed mind, human beings also have a body. The body is unique to all other animals as it is the subtotal of all DNA and genetic of all of the other kingdoms combined. Therefore, it is a reflection of all events that have occurred internally as well out externally. The mind is the controller of the body unit, and has three different command posts in which it works. The Conscious Mind Post, the Subconscious Mind Post, and the Super-conscious Mind Post. It is beyond the scope of this little article to discover the three minds of man but suffice it is to say that these units work in unison to create a dynamic Personality, Soul, and Spirit that have the duty to first protect itself, next protect its progeny, and finally protect humanity for extinction. The body therefore, uses these units to quickly adjust to the internal and physical requirements of living. The body fails life when it is cut off from the individual mind complexes. Its individual mind is supposed to create protective thoughts, thinking processes and patterns which are converted to specific biochemicals that create physical health and well being within the body. Disruption in the positive thinking processes and pattern of the mind lead to faults and over production of biochemicals that eventuate in damaged tissue structure and function which becomes dis-ease and finally leads to death.
The Spirit as a reflection of the Body and Mind
The infant Spirit of Man is therefore a reflection of the physical body, and the quality of the mind. When the body and mind of the man are working harmoniously and constructive towards the individuals goals and purpose the Spirit is heightened and energised, receiving energy force from the body and the mind. However, if the body is in a diseased state, due to the misuse of the Mind complexes, then the spirit sinks to lower energetic states and is unable to vitalize the body and mind causing further demise of the body and mind.
Therefore, it is the duty of every human being to regard their health and the well-being of their bodies as the fist and foremost importance, if they want to continue to life. And herein is where the Laws of Life govern and direct us.
Introduction of First Law of Life for Humans and Spirit
As states above all living things are forced by nature to live by specific laws that govern life. Anything that doe not adhere to these laws as an individual will lose its life, and its progeny will meet the same fate. By extension, if all the members of the species also adhere to the errant values, then the entire species will find itself extinct and perhaps living on the inner planes, those astral worlds found, or set up for annihilation and/or extinction. Some information on the Astral World is found in article entitled “Astral Planes Part 1 and 2.”
Therefore, the first law of life is the Personal Law of Survival. Personal failure to look after oneself is not only seen as an act of treason against the Personality, (in the human world) and the Spirit, but treason against society, as one faulty human unit attracts to it all others with the same creature faults.
This failure is reflected by a Spirit that has no unity, no path, no energy, and no future. And a Spirit with no energy is seen as dying. A Spirit that is dying, attracts dying Spirits, and quickens bringing the body to closure. This is because the Spirit is made up of diseased mindsets and patterns. Mind naturally attracts like minded and encourages those to performs the same actions and activities.
We have witnessed that there are many people who don’t like to think for themselves, but instead prefer to watch others and mimic behaviour for better or for worst. This proxy of behavior is to be regarded as detrimental at best and destructive of humanity at its worst as it doesn’t assist in evolving the species within the laws. But stagnates life so that it moves the human life towards personal decay and disintegration. Also, it cultivates the Spirit of humanity as a decaying and dying species of energy.
Minorities and Rulership
It is natural for a small segment of society, a minority, to lag behind in terms of evolution. These are generally the members who “fall between the cracks”, and are eventually consumed by the death, and released into the elements. However, when the minority becomes the majority, and that population is negligent in looking after themselves by complying with the basic rudimentary laws of life, then humanity has a severe problem, and its “extinction” can be predicted with even certainty.
It is the extinction of the bodies, leaving the Spirits to be bound by lower bands of energy. The Personal Spirit portion may then find itself in the “hell” that they created and then experienced at first individually and then collectively.
What Can We Do o Prohibit a Minority Mind-set Take-Over? How Can We Use Our Body to Protect Our Spirits?
Evolved people realise that the function of the body is to protect the Spirit and the function of the Spirit is to protect the body. The Hindus have given humanity a beautiful and simple system to assist in recognising understanding, and complying the laws of life. The next part of this article will share the basics of self-preservation of the mind/body/Spirit complex in conformity with the basic Laws of life that seek to enforce:
It will be outlined that in this way reveal through the laws of nature and their specific application to the species, that Homo sapiens will grow and evolve to the next level of evolution. A key is that every substance in nature from the smallest particle to the largest universe evolves to be the best version of itself that its mind allows, so that it lives, grows and becomes more.
Evolution, therefore, is always a “natural biological event”. It is never made of technology, but revealed by technology. Technology is to be our friend and adviser and not our gods, and captors.
So, now lets go back to the body and outline the duty of care that nature has prescribed , so that all who can, and will, and shall enjoy life in abundance to perpetuate itself for its own good and the good of generations to come.
The Laws of Life
There are many laws of life that are mirrored in Physic, Chemistry, and Mathematics. We will not outline any of those. But will restrict ourselves to the nature of Life, and living which is in the science domain of Biology. Biology is defined as the following:
1. the study of living organisms, divided into many specialised fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behaviour, origin, and distribution.
2. the plants and animals of a particular area.
3. the physiology, behaviour, and other qualities of a particular organism or class of organisms.
The definition of biology thus provides us with an understanding of taxonomy of life by structure and function, by area or region, and by behaviour and character. Thus, in our outline of the Laws of life the definition will be included within the laws. This means that in order to stay alive, not only the definition will apply, but the laws of source code will be known and the reasons for the laws will be inbuilt within the definition of the law, the meaning of the law, incidents of violations of the law, growth, economy and conservation, and sacrifice/charity.
In this system we will outline five core laws. They are:
The Law of Survival
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Fruitfulness and Multiplicity
The Law of Economy and Conservation
The Law of Sacrifice and Charity.
As was mentioned above the adherence of all of these laws will ensure not only the survival of the individual and by extension the species of man, but will assure that his survival with thrive. As it is one thing to survive by just get by in life, (for the sake of existing), but another thing all together to
thrive by “growing, developing well, and flourishing to prosperity.” Whilst the first law, Survival is the beginning step, and within its evolution the next four laws expound the process of thriving, as thriving is a deliberate action leading to success.
This is an outline of the laws. The Psionic Circle Program will offer a course that will further elucidate the laws explicitly for the reader and practitioner who wants to put each law in action.
The Laws
First The Law of Survival (Personal)
A. Defined:
the state or fact of a person continuing to live or exist in spite of an accident, ordeal, or any difficult circumstances.
B. What this means?
1. It means that you, as a physical being that takes energy from the universe, have an inherent duty of care and responsibility to live in a manner that sustains your body, mind and spirit in a manner that is healthy, balance, and sustaining not only for yourself, but for the environment (people, animals, land, earth).
C. What are violations?
Violations are infractions where an individual neglects his/her body, mind, spirit complex and therefore requires more than justified energy to sustain.
The theft of energy by one person who does so, due to their own physical, mental, or energetic deficiencies.
The coercion of others to violate their personal duty of care to survive.
D. What are the costs of violations to individual and environment?
It cost you inner peace and harmony.
The ability to be self sustaining.
The ability to grow and evolve as a human being.
The right to bear children.
The energy, health and security of your Spirit.
The safety and security of the environment.
Valuable resources directed at an individual that is negligent.
The survival of humanity and the connected units that depend upon humanity.
The Spirit of Humanity’s evolution.
Second The Law of Attraction
A. Defined:
1. the action or power of evoking interest in or liking for someone or something.
2. a quality or feature that evokes interest, liking, or desire.
3. a place which draws visitors by providing something of interest or pleasure.
4. the use of the mind as a builder of ideas and the body to create a field of energy that becomes the reality of the thought.
B. What this means?
It means that you, as a mental being create thought forms that the quality and quantity of your physical body. You remove energy from the universe and using your body/mind/spirit you mold this energy into a body that has the quality that is healthy, balance, and sustaining not only for yourself, but for the environment (people, animals, land, earth).
The better you are at mental molding the higher your spirit energy will be.
You must learn to appreciate what you have or must direct your personal energy towards changing what you attract.
C. What are violations?
Violations are infractions where an individual uses their mind negatively and co-creates a body that vibrates destructive frequencies.
This represents abuse and destruction of physical and vital forces to his/her body, mind, spirit complex and therefore reduces energy within self and the environment.
The poisoning of energy by one person who produces negative thought forms and subsequent fields of energy that endure within their system and then extends to the outer world..
Association with the tings that you don’t want permanently in your life for a period that allows those associations to start your destruction.
The coercion of others through communications that are physical and energetic.
D. What are the costs of violations to individual and environment?
It cost you a body/mind/spirit complex that is handicapped.
The ability to draw to you positive building thought forms which enhance quality of life.
Isolation from positive beings; physical and energetic.
Eventual destruction of body/mind/spirit and placement in a purification location. i.e. Hell.
The creation of additional workload, activating negative spirits, and creating pain and suffering.
The safety and security of the positive environment.
Ability to promote your positive imprint on the environment, staking a claim for self and progeny.
The creation of the pain and suffering of others, including their governing spirits.
The survival of humanity and the connected units that depend upon humanity.
The Spirit of Humanity’s evolution.
Third The Law of Fruitfulness and Multiplication
A. Defined:
\ ˈfrüt-fəl \
1. yielding or producing fruit
2. conducive to an abundant yield
3. abundantly productive
B. What this means?
It means that you, as a physical being are to acquire energy, create a process using all of your production resources and transform it into greater value than it started.
You have an inherent duty of care and responsibility to ensure that the output of your living is sustaining for all for the subsystems within your unit.
Your attractions will bear fruit that multiply either positively or negatively.
You will have either more or less than what you want or need according to your attractive mind and body.
Your body, mind and spirit are either a positive or negative reflection of the use of the resources, their processes and the outputs that is healthy, balanced, and not only for yourself, but for the environment (people, animals, land, earth).
You must learn to use your forces on all planes constructively.
C. What are violations?
Violations are infractions where an individual neglects his/her body, mind, spirit complex and therefore it grows negative energies on all planes.
The theft of energy by one person who does so, due to their own negative reproductive physical, mental, or energies.
The coercion of others to violate their personal duty of care to produce positive fruit and multiply their energies and efforts.
D. What are the costs of violations to individual and environment?
It cost you inner peace and harmony by creating multiple dimensions of prisons.
The fruit can not be used productively and creates negative side affects..
The ability to grow and evolve positively as a human being with governing Spirits.
The right to bear children who would also produce negative fruit like their parents.
The positive productive energy, health and security of your Spirit.
The safety and security of the environment in the form of more work.
The duty of the environment to reject the energies and fruits that are undesirable.
Valuable resources directed at an individual that is negligent.
The survival of humanity and the connected units that depend upon productivity humanity.
The Spirit of Humanity’s evolution.
Fourth The Law of Economy
A. Defined:
economy and conservation
/ɪˈkɒnəmi/ & /kɒnsəˈveɪʃ(ə)n/
the state of a country or region in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services and the supply of money along with the value of prevention of wasteful use of a resource.
careful management of available resources with the principle of viewing the total value of a physical quantity or parameter (such as energy, mass, linear or angular momentum) remains constant in a system which is not subject to external influence.
In nature all life economizes and conserves energy by using what is available in the most practical and fruitful manner.
B. What this means?
It means that no energy should be used wastefully.
It means that you, must revere all energy inputs as important.
And avoid wasting at all costs.
You must perform cost/benefit analysis and weigh the value as an input and the positivity of the outputs.
You must predict and use statistics to learn disruptive elements in the environment for a resource supply and process flow.
You ability to receive valuable resources is contingent upon your use of the past resources and the wise administration of personal stuff.
C. What are violations?
Violations are wastefulness and the misuse of energy resources that could and should be given and used by someone else.
D. What are the costs of violations to individual and environment?
Wastefulness = loss of use and encourages the sub law of loss creates more loss.
The individual will be treated like a minor and/or will not be given more resources.
The environment will need to waste more energy fixing the problems.
It will have to work harder to recoup the loss in time, money, and energy of that resource.
Valuable resources directed at an negligent individual are lost to the environment.
The survival of humanity and the connected units that depend upon economy and conservation.
Fifth The Law of Sacrifice and Charity
A. Defined:
sacrifice and charity
an act of removing a person place or thing as an offering. .
To give up what is no longer valued and needed generally no more than 10%
1. offering energy resources up to 10% of total daily output.
2. the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need up to 10% of value.
B. What this means?
It means that each person has a duty of care to manage their resources.
It is expected that everyone practices sharing of the resources that are no longer necessary.
The total value of the resources should be no more than 10% of total production.
This is the total of charity and sacrifice.
C. What are violations?
Sacrifice and charity that is greater than 10%.
It reduces the stability of the person and their environment.
It sets up a positive pattern of letting go of the unnecessary and useless.
And it avoids setting negative pattern of loss = more loss.
D. What are the costs of violations to individual and environment?
Increased patterns of charity and sacrifice.
Enables others to coerce people into violating their person rights of possession.
It causes people to suffer and the progeny to suffer.
If left unchecked it is a crime against the individual and a crime against the stability of humanity.
So there are the five Basic Laws of Life. They are the laws that every visible and invisible substance must adhere to. The quality of compliance is the difference indicates the quality of spirit and the quality of the body which is the reflection of the Spirit. Any organism that violates these laws will be met with eventual extinction initially on the physical level and then on the energetic plane. The energetic plane extinction may mean purification in the same “hells” that the spirit encountered while physical or migration into a better plane depending upon the circumstances. The overall purpose of the laws is to provide rules for optimal survival of mind, body, and spirit. And while all organisms have a choice whether to follow the laws and to what extent they follow, it is a truth that 99% of everything that ever lived is now extinct, and the 1% that still survives does so because it follows the laws, cultivating good body, mind, spirit relations.
So, in conclusion as to the original questions, “What does your body say about your spirit?” and “Is your spirit reflecting you? We need only look at you to see the answer because it is written all over your body, and the eyes of your Soul tell the story.
Thank you for Reading!
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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
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Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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