Energy conservation is the beginning of energy independence. ~ Tom Allen Earth Provides enough for every man’s needs but not every man’s greed. ~ Mahatma Gandhi The Law of the Conservation of Energy tells we can’t get something for nothing. …
Energy conservation is the beginning of energy independence. ~ Tom Allen
Earth Provides enough for every man’s needs but not every man’s greed. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
The Law of the Conservation of Energy tells we can’t get something for nothing. Some people refuse to believe that. ~Isaac Asimov
Who is Responsible for Your Life?
Year 1
Last Update: May 7, 2021
ψ Duty of Care and Responsible is always an interesting subject. And like Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, it is always about perspective, perception, gravitation, and time/space, everyone exists in their own little bubble of energy which has its own way of seeing reality. The truth of this question, has to do with a better question, who is responsible for each persons field of energy? (Energy Bubble).
Let’s look at the question from the standpoint of an illustration. When we are adults, we pride ourselves in being able to make decisions for ourselves. We have the media which gives us suggestions, as to what we can do, how we can do it, and with whom we should do it with. We also have family and friends who give us words of advice and encouragement. Based upon all of the external sources of data, and the internal sources from our personal resources, we make decisions that move our lives in one direction or another. Some of our decisions are minor and affect our lives on a small scale, other decisions change and transform outlives in ways that can’t be undone once the action has been set in motion.
We actually have a third source of influence over our lives and that is legislation. The law that the community, or nation has put into place in order to keep balance and order in society. The previous internal and external sources are actually governed by legislation. This may be subtle or gross influences. The function and purpose of the laws created by legislation is that the decisions will be better for the individual, and for the external environment making the decision a win-win for all. This is highly desirable, as history shows that when a person makes a gross error in judgement, that person is not the only one who suffers. The family, friends, and society as a whole pays the price for every poor decision either directly or indirectly. It is costly to everyone indirectly for each mistake. It means that resources may need to be shifted, to pay for someone or something that is actually working not in the best interest of themselves, or society.
The Global Financial Crises of 2007 to 2008 is a key example of Society paying for the poor decisions of a few people. If you recall the Global Financial Crises was due to American Banks taking on more risk than prudent, and a bust in the US housing market, causing the value of property to plummet, leading financial institutes to suffer critical damages, not only in the United States, but, globally, as the Financial Services is not isolated to the specific nation but connected globally. In real terms the mistake cost the US 700 billion, when the US is already in debt, 60 trillion dollars. The total global bailout was said to be e in the form of trillions of dollars of loans, asset purchases, guarantees, and direct spending. It is estimated at $29 trillion, the number the Levy Institute at Bard College calculated, including all forms of guarantees and other forms of aid.
Thus, it can be seen the reason why that all influences, must be be legal. We do not want the actions of one or a few rogue individuals to cost humanity, in lives, harmony, healthy, the equivalent of trillions of dollars. It is really not about the money, but the collective positive creativity that is lost.
So back to the original questions, who is responsible for your life?
At Psionic Circle, we believe that each individual is responsible for their physical body, emotional body, mental body and spiritual bodies. We believe that they are also responsible for finding their “true purpose(s)” and we use the word Thelema and Opus Magnus to describe purpose on a smaller scale and large scale.
The next questions that one might ask is, “Why is each person responsible for their own life?
What Gives You Self Responsibility?
On the conscious level, you were not responsible for being born. Someone, mother, father, surrogate, put in on the life map, and here you are. Does that mean that they are responsible for you as an adult, and you are responsible to them? Yes and no. It is the idea of the Creator, created architype, also related to the mother/child, teacher/parent, Guru/student relationship and the dynamics of this relationship have much to do with our religions and philosophies. In Judeo-Christian religions the Creator, Jehovah, made man and woman, and gave them two rules, or two laws. He said, “Do not eat from the Tree of knowledge Good and Evil, for the moment you do you will surely die.” It is said that the first humans, who would have owed their existence to their Heavenly Father opted not to obey his directive. This means that they believed that while they were created beings, they had Choice, and exercised this choice. It set the precedent for all parental relationships. While you are a child and living under the roof of your parents, you must do as they ask, but o9nce you become an adult, you may move out the your parent’s house, and direct your thoughts and actions as please.
There is a law in the United States and there are probably similar laws globally which give a minor aged child emancipation from their parents or guardians. It is called Emancipation of minors and it is a legal mechanism by which a child before attaining the age of majority is freed from control by their parents or guardians, and the parents or guardians are freed from any and all responsibility toward the child. Children before that age are normally considered legally incompetent to enter into contracts and to handle their own affairs. Emancipation overrides that presumption and allows emancipated children legally to make certain decisions on their own behalf.
Depending on jurisdiction, a child may be emancipated by acts such as marriage, attaining economic self-sufficiency, obtaining an educational degree or diploma, or military service. In the United States, all states have some form of emancipation of minors. (see Wikipedia,
So, here we see evidence that a person, even if they are a child has the legal right to become emancipated to make their own decisions, and exert their power of free-will and duty of care to be responsible for themselves in all areas of their lives.
Children Being “True to Themselves” and Taking Responsibility For Themselves
There are many reasons that children divorce their parents and guardians. The major reasons range from abuse, to restrictive rules, to handicapping the child’s creativity which includes financial will and desire. There are a number of children born who know what they want to do in life, and how they would like to serve humanity. Their parent(s) may have a different religion, philosophy, and or value system which the child finds too restrictive. And sometimes, there is no way of negotiating the terms of expectations without anger, frustration, and hostilities. It is no fun being raised in a home that is suppressive to one’s true self. Perhaps one of the reasons a male or female child becomes a homosexual or transsexual is because of the suppression of their true nature, and unreasonable demands of them by their parents.
Response to Self-Responsibility
Some parents are, many may not be. It depends upon the person, their level of maturity, and the value of the loss that ensues for the parent. Relationships are meant to balance the individuals involved. If one side of the relationship is balanced but the other side of the relationship becomes unbalanced then there is a power struggle, and generally the child loses until they can move out and away. There has been cases where the Parent can sometimes find ways and means of causing conflict and interfering with the child’s life after separation. This is very painful for the child as to leave one’s roots and foundation is never an easy task. Under the best conditions, imagine a 18 year old child moving out of their parent’s home to go away to university, and the anxiety that the parents and child may go through. Relationships = Pressure. This is especially true when the individuals are not practical and logical. It is also a reason why children, and adults sometimes sabotage their relationship when it no long is healthy for them. It is easier to cheat on your partner, they confront them and communicate to them that the relationship is not working for them.
All in all this is a round about way of answering the question, that parents are not always happy with the emancipation, however, the relationship must be a good fit for everyone involved.
Why Are You Responsible For Your Own Life?
ψ As mentioned in a paragraph earlier, each healthy person has been born with a physical body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual bodies. These are the person’s vehicles for the various dimensions and planes of existence. Right now the consciousness of humanity is focused upon the Physical, moving into the Astral, or emotional bodies and planes. This means an increased interest in all things that are spiritual, emotional, and astral. Every time humanity moves across a plane of consciousness there are power struggles with the known versus the unknown. What this means is that a person may not know the value of his Soul, or emotional/astral body, and therefore, may sell it off, not knowing any better.
This is a bit like the value of the cow in the old English Fairytale story of the Jack and the Beanstalk, where Jack, a young boy, trades the family cow for a handful of magical beans, not knowing the value of the cow, but being intrigued by the notion of a magical bean. And while the money from the sale of the cow would have earned Jack respect from his mother, and maintain the practical status quo for not partaking in anything that discounts one’s body (cow) or soul. Our understanding will be that the bulk of humanity will see the value of maintaining a practical maintenance of the mind, body, soul, and spirit, while embracing new information and technology, instead of throwing out the existing for the new.
Honor what you have been given, and embellish it with innovation. This is the Psionic Circles Way.
How to Take Responsibility For Your Life?
The best way to take responsibility is to assume control. Control always starts with knowing yourself,. as the great Aristotle said. You must know who you are, what you are, and why you are. This might sound like a handful, and a lifetime task, and for some it may be. The first thing that everyone must do who wants to take responsibility for their lives is to take stock in themselves. What are your strengths, your weaknesses, your current goals, and most important your motivations now? When you know your strengths, you know what you can bet upon. When you know your weakness, you know what others can bank on. When you know your goals, you know what is ahead of you. when you know your motivations, you know why you are moving in the direction you are moving. You can then use vector analysis to assist you in moving faster. More on Vector Analysis in a article coming soon.
Back to taking responsibility for your life. Simply stated once you know the above variables, then you can create your formula and use it to magnify your life, with direction and amazing speed. You will also be able to avoid resistance, by knowing the lay of the land, and anticipating the resistors and force fields.
More on all of this in the Psionic Circles Program.
We hope to see you there. Thanks for Reading!
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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
Posted by admin
Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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