Every man, woman, and child has the unalienable right to be the best they can physically, emotionally, and mentally. As people goes through their lives there is a silent witness to every thought and deed. This being, called the Advocate,…
Every man, woman, and child has the unalienable right to be the best they can physically, emotionally, and mentally. As people goes through their lives there is a silent witness to every thought and deed. This being, called the Advocate, judges you and determines your success. Unless…
Original Date: August 13, 2021
Last Update: August 13, 2021
Human beings have a destiny to be successful in their daily endeavors and throughout their lives. This destiny in the past had been at times easy to obtain and at other times exceedingly difficult. We take the success of people (as individuals) for granted. We see a highly successful singers, actors, sportsmen and many other celebrates have a life and lifestyle that we aspire to and believe that they obtained their success because they are lucky. Let me tell you, friend, it has nothing to do with luck. Let’s take a singer, for example. He starts singing when he is 3 or 4 years old. When he is ten years old when his parents ask him what he wants to be when he grows up, he says that he wants to be a professional singer. He doesn’t care much for academics as he goes through school and he starts a band when he is thirteen years old. They practice for a couple of years before they “gel as a group” and when they do they are discovered and start a journey of becoming superstars.
If you calculate all of the time they practiced as a group and the individuals practiced individually, you have 20,000 – 30,000 hours of work that they invested to develop themselves and become stars. The concerts and the money came way after 20,000 or 10.61 years of work, or 30,000 of work equating to 14.42 years. That is a lot of time, getting paid little money, or nothing for your dream. But the audience only sees the results of the work, not the work itself. It is likely that the singer went through years of being ok, and then good, and finally super good. This is the way we all move, and is the way of life.
A famous business person once said that there is a natural order in everything where you must slowly develop your abilities until you become proficient, and only then does life makes a space for you so that you can capitalize on the action(s). It almost never happens for start to overnight success without the process. The process is all of the hours of study, work, prayers and other systems used to be successful. What he didn’t mention is that even when you work your butt off, there is still a possibility that your actions and energies can be thwarted. It is called the Adversary. And he isn’t new.
While man has strove to improve himself and go through the processes required so that he can be his own version of success, the Adversary has been intercepting through people, events, and things that slow him down, and can actually STOP his progress forever. The purpose of the Adversary is to Make You Fail Life, because he doesn’t believe that you belong as a living, success being. Don’t take it personally, he doesn’t believe that any human being belongs on this planet, because he has seen human beings possibilities for good and evil. And he has seen mostly evil in humans.
Now this isn’t value judgement, per se, but it is. If the average person has a Choice between doing a good thing and doing a wrong thing, and they choose to do the wrong thing, it is only understandable that they will have more challenges then the average person and they experience the “hell” of their actions. And of course when they see others who have fulfilled their 20,000 hours and are doing really well, not knowing of course the individual has “paid their dues” and are on the other side of the coin where they are experiencing success, they see it and are very jealous fueling even more wrong things and more hell. You can see the dynamics of the Adversary, and you may even see his part of view.
In an article entitled “Mistakes Do Count“, you may have read that every person makes around 30 decisions per day of which they are inclined to make 7.5 mistakes. Some mistakes end very poorly and some are just mildly irritating. The gist is that our mistakes do count. The Adversary watches and counts the mistakes and deems the person worthy of their goals or unworthy based on the good energy that the action or goal they want carried out will provide. If he has deemed you unworthy then he will whisper in the ears of those whom you depend and tell them to thwart your efforts and energies. This of course starts your 20,000 – 30,000 hours, and based upon your tenacity, determination, and the “good” that your goal will provide, you may outlast his desire to thwart your actions, and then you will be on the other side of the coin, the success side. If your goals are deemed worthy then you will still need to go through the training but, your journey will be somewhat easier.
If you don’t believe me test him yourself. Start a new project and see how easy it is to be at “your level of success”. We believe you will find that it will be nearly impossible for some important aspects of your goals or projects to come into fruition. But, that shouldn’t deter you. Man always tries to strive for more in life so that he will be able to enjoy his journey a little easier.
Why Does Man Try to Improve Himself
Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels
Throughout history man has strove to improve himself for one of the following reasons:
- His family depended upon his ability to change, adapt and use his abilities to acquire sufficient resources so that they will survive.
- He discovered that the environment in which he was living had changed and he needed to acquire aptitudes, skills, and knowledge for his continued success.
- He acquired enemies, both internal (within his own soul) or external (family members, neighbors, colleagues, governments) that cursed him, handicapped him, and impeded his ability to move through life successfully.
- In his mind, it is the “right thing to do” and he wants “to be more“.
We study Psionics so that we can do more, be more, have more. And while everyone is different, it is safe to say that for each person money isn’t the bees knees. The main point is that there is something either inside you, or outside of you that is driving your actions. And hopefully, that driver is “good“. We learn that the Adversary is sensitive to positive, directed energy, which uses the same vital forces that he uses. Psionics proves that humans are worthy.
Psionics is the science and the art of manipulating energy and things, for the purpose of creating positive, sustainable change, using the mind and instruments. The instruments may be simple or complex, and they may include electrical devices; such as transducers, amplifiers and capacitors, organic devices, such as plants and animals, or energetic devices; such as patterns on a piece of paper, and fields of energy. The change should always be good, and its transformations should support positive life.
There are five assumptions of Psionics that we use.
- If it we can conceive, it we can create it.
- If the exists, it can be thoroughly known.
- If it can be known, we study it.
- When we study it, we can change it and make it better.
- Once we improve it we can stabilise and control it.
Psions, the name given for Psionic scientists and practitioners, use the scientific methods. These are empirical systems that are a means to ensure scientific standards are applied to the work. As such they use a number of means to translated the information into code which they then can viewed numerically by means of gauges used to quantify the data. Psions use their mind as forces to start, tune, magnify, and stabilise instruments. The gauges tend to be numbers, letters or symbols which allow quantitative metrics systems be generated. These give meaning to the information.
When you are a child your parents may force you to do your chores.
When you become an adult you realise the importance of doing chores, tasks, and taking on responsibilities. Developing your Psionic gifts are not about doing chores, or being forced to do something because someone tells you to do it. Becoming a Psion is about growing more mature in your spiritual self and manifesting your Psionic/spiritual abilities so that you may becoming the best Adult version of yourself. This will not come from using a walkie talkie, it will come from you developing yourself from the physical up to the spiritual. And then behaving in a responsible manner.
Let the children play with childish toys, but as adults we develop ourselves spiritually so that we may engage in and include spiritual activities with the physical.
Homo Sapiens is dividing into two different species. This means that life desires to see which nodal branch is the strongest based upon the laws and rules of life.
At Psionic Circles we are teaching people how to detect their spiritual self, develop this part of their being, and evolve it to the highest levels that one is allowed to do on planet Earth. We work with the Adversary.
And in Psionic training there are three levels that you will learn. They are based upon the Hindu systems and the Asian systems of spiritual development.
Here are some of the stepping stones of Spiritual Attainment using the Psionic Methods.
Level 1 (These skills must be developed and then demonstrated without the use of aids)
- Knowing the past, present, and future. (Omniscience)
- Having tolerance to extreme weather, heat and cold.
- Knowing the minds of others (Psychometry)
- Communicating consciously to the minds of others (Telepathy)
- Having immunity to all of the elements (Fire, Water, Poison, and others)
- To be invincible.
Level 2 (These skills must be developed and then demonstrated without the use of aids)
- Complete control over the physical body.
- Clairaudience
- Clairvoyance
- To travel at the speed of thought (Teleportation)
- The ability to assume any form (Shape-shifting)
- The ability to experience other things through your senses.
- The ability to control death.
- Witnessing the actions of the Gods.
- Perfect Accomplishment of Actions.(The ability to see and tread a perfect path.)
- The Power of the Word.(The Word made Manifest)
Level 3 (These skills must be developed and then demonstrated without the use of aids)
- The ability to become as small as the smallest particle.
- The ability to become large.
- The ability to fly in the air.
- The ability to manifest by will
- The ability to control the Elements.
- The ability to control Others.
- The ability to acquire whatever is desired.
At each of these levels the last of the siddhis represents the culmination of all of the other skills developed. We invite you to start your training to be a complete human being with Spirit forces behind you and supporting you.
If you are interested in finding out more please email us at: sabrinareneependleton@gmail.com
Thank you for reading today!
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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
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Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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Psionic Quote of the Day
“In Psionics, if you look at what you have in life, you’ll always grow more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll always see Red.” -Psion Winfrey
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