What is Deity and Creative Force and Why is it in the Program? Year 1 Last Update: Introduction ψ A deity is a creator or supreme being that is of supernatural source and existence. It is considered divine and sacred. …
What is Deity and Creative Force and Why is it in the Program?
Year 1
Last Update:
ψ A deity is a creator or supreme being that is of supernatural source and existence. It is considered divine and sacred. It can be male or female as god or goddess and is found in polytheistic religions. C. Scott Littleton defines a deity as “a being with powers greater than those of ordinary humans, but who interacts with humans, positively or negatively, in ways that carry humans to new levels of consciousness, beyond the grounded preoccupations of ordinary life”. This is due to the field of energy of which they are composed, their creations and the realm of which they live. A human being surrounded by a deity or god is unlikely to be the same at the level that they have the strongest consciousness.
It is said that the Buddha’s aura extended 3,500 kilo meters from where he stood. The New Testament does not speak about auras, but it does mentions Jesus Christ as “the light of the world” (John 8:12). This would be in reference to his aura. A deity or god’s aura is that force that attracts people. It could be a warm glow, an exciting glow, a healing glow, and a positive glow. It would be fair to say that just as many people who are attracted to the light are also repelled by the light in fear or jealousy. This tendency marks religions especially those that are polytheistic.
The Numbers of Gods and their Power
There is no culture on earth ancient or modern that does not believe in some god or creative force of creation. The notion that things sprang up due to natural combustion still leaves space for the idea that some singular or plural creative force with intelligence had a hand in the creation. Some cultures believe that forces of nature are gods. Are they right? We will address the question of what constitutes a god or deity a little later and then will answer many probing questions in the Unit.
But let’s look at how gods within a culture are categorized. Religions, the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods, are considered either monotheistic or polytheistic. That is one single entity that is creator or controller or many supernatural entities which control over a realm. During times there were many cultures that were polytheistic enjoyed the diversity of gods. As such in their beliefs there was a supernatural representative for all major archetypes and personality types and they would divide the power so that each god would have a specific domain. Polytheistic deities could be male, female, hermaphroditic, or genderless. The Olympians are a good example of polytheistic multiple gender religion.
The polytheistic religions organized their gods in a hierarchy and therefore the gods exhibited equanimity between themselves and which they tried to set a good example for the humans that were revered them. As a devotee you may worship any or all of the gods. Your personality would dictate in many cases who you naturally resonated with.
The life span of the polytheistic gods of different religions varied greatly. In some cultures, the gods would live, die, and may be reborn life just the same as any other person. In others the polytheistic gods would live virtually forever.
In monotheistic religions, they generally viewed their God as omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, and eternal, and their religions typically refer to God in masculine terms. With polytheistic religions the gods were male female or a blend of both.
Gods in the Living Temple of the Man
There are some deities that are viewed as ethical concepts. In Indian religions, deities were manifest within the temple of every living being’s body. They lead and guide their human followers from within and the person gains merit through an ethical life. There are gods that are considered guardian deities and live blissfully in heaven but keep a watchful eye on the person and ensure that they have a way to the promised place.
Our Definitions of Deity and God
It is our assertion that within time and space as well as timelessness and spacelessness there exist deity. It exists on a number of planes and dimensions. It is found on diverse levels of cosmic realities, mind meanings, and spirit values. These levels of work are personal, pre-personal, or Superpersonal. They are either divine or not divinely coordinated.
We see Deity when there is a personal relationship as God. Deity can be pre-personal and super-personal in ways that the average man cannot understand. “Deity is characterized by the quality of unity—actual or potential on above levels of material reality”.
Deity functions on seven levels of consciousness. They range from Static self-contained and self-existent to Ultimate level which is self-projected and time-space-transcending with the functions of unifying divinity expression.
Deity may operate at one of three levels of reality. The finite level of reality the absonite level of reality and the absolute level of reality. We teach that Deity may be existential, experiential, or associative, as in God the Sevenfold, or God in Paradise undivided.
We contend that Deity is the source of all that which is divine, but all that which is divine is not necessarily Deity. Deity is unity and or unifying on some level or plane.
The beings that are created know divinity as truth, beauty, and goodness. At the personality level it is seen as love, mercy, and ministry and when it is impersonal it is seen as justice, power, and sovereignty.
In addition, deity can be seen as perfect, imperfect, or combinations of permutations of perfect in some cases and imperfect in other cases. The ability of a deity to be perfect is dependent upon their effectiveness and perhaps choice of realm in which they work and operate. The better the environment the better the control and the more perfect the creations within the realm. When perfection is required but can not be attained, deity divides itself to perform the work, and thus is seen as duality, or trinity, or associative, such as the Greek Olympians.
The Purpose of Learning About Deity, Creative Force in Psionic Circles
The purpose of learning about deity and creative force is because you will develop as a Psion spiritual gifts that will liken you to one or more of these Spiritual Masters. Once you connect to your Thelema and purpose you will be on a Path to change not only yourself but your spiritual environment. Some of you will be chosen to expand further and take on one of 9 Paths that direct you to the highest spiritual systems in the Universe.
This will not occur at once for most people. It takes lifetimes for some people. But no worry. The faster you become enlightened and start using your creative forces to master your Personality (including your life), Soul, and Spirit and create earth stability then you may assist to further the great plan and receive a number of benefits that you will definitely want 😉
- You will attain an understanding of your true self through Deity.
- You will learn the importance of your Thelema as it relates to the Great Plan.
- You will learn to walk your Enlightened Path.
- You will be able to tap into the Deity’s energies that support you and your Path.
- You will be able to define and co-pilot your growth and evolution at some level of deity.
- You will feel your divinity and other Psions on your journey through the Universe.
- You will experience your personal joy and bliss and radiate throughout your world.
Thank you for Reading!
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Copyright 2019-2024 Sabrina Renee Lemire
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Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop my studies into skills. I have practiced Tarot for 20 years along with Astrology, Numerology, Runes, Spiritual Healing, Hebrew Mysticism, Theosophy, Chinese Medicine and Ancient Philosophy. I use all of these skills along with my background in Business, Counselling and Intuition to get to the stem root of every problem and to come up with creative Answers to heal the person from the Inside Out, and Outside In.
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